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Psychic Invisibility 3

Roll Wits and +Stealth
With only one success, the character is still noticeable but people tend to avert their eyes or have trouble focusing on him. With three or more successes, the psychic is completely unnoticed by most onlookers. 


1 Hide - The psychic's "don't notice me" broadcast keeps him from being seen so long as he remains completely still. Under normal circumstances, no roll is required. However if someone is searching the area where the psychic is hiding, he rolls Perception and +Stealth (diff 6). If he succeeds and the target has no special senses, the psychic remains invisible. If the psychic moves, speaks, or does anything to give away his position the effect is broken.

2 Slow Movement - The psychic has enough control of his growing talent to attempt to move while maintaining the invisibility effect. Maintaining the effect counts as an action in terms of splitting dice pools. He also cannot do things that would draw attention to him without losing the effects of the power. The psychic could walk across a room, but he couldn't punch someone. The act fo interacting with the rest of the world cancels the effect. To avoid the notice of people searching the area, the psychic's player rolls a contested roll Wits+ and Stealth (diff 6) versus the targets' Perception+ and Alertness (diff 6). Ties go in favor of the invisible psychic. If the targets accumulate more successes than the psychic's player, they know vaguely where the psychic is by noticing the absense of eprception in the area ("something's funny in that corner"), but they still cannot directly see the psychic.


3 Invisibility - At this level, the psychic's ability to walk about unnoticed is such that he can walk around and behave normally. He can even perform actions that would normally draw attention to him. The only limitation to the power is that he cannot vanish from view while being  observed. However, he could create some sort of distraction that would draw another's eyes away momentarily, giving him that split second needed to vanish. People with mundane perceptions searching for the invisible psychic must roll Perception+ and Alertness (diff 9), opposed to Wits+ and Stealth (diff 6) roll on behalf of the psychic. Those with supernatural perceptions (the Auspex Discipline, the Heightened Senses Gift, etc.) can attempt to use them, though the power is again resisted by a Wits and +Stealth (diff 8) roll.


Psychometry 3

Roll Perception+ and Empathy
When using Psychometry, the player's successes indicate the level of detail achieved. With many successes, a character will have longer, more vivid impressions and emotions. On a botch, a psychic may become lost in a dreamlike reverie or even become overwhelmed by emotional Resonance, suffering injury or temporarily losing her personality and repeating the actions surrounding the object or place touched.


1 - The character gets vague, dreamlike impressions of recent activities involving the object or more distant activities that involved strong emotions. In many cases, the reading gives just the feelings involved with the incident, instead of actual imagery. When imagery does appear (generally with 3 or more success), it is figurative and dreamlike.


2 - In addition to the previous information gathered, the psychic gets an accurate mental image of the person most closely associated with the object.


3 - The psychic receives impressions of the strongest emotional incident involving that object. With 3 successes, she receives a dreamlike image of the incident, including the number of people involved and a description of the area. If concentrating on the object's owner, she can determine the person's approvimate age, emotional state, hints of personality, and exactly what the individual felt at the time.


Synergy 1


Roll Perception and +Awareness

1 Psychic Sense - The psychic has the ability to sense other psychics. This sense triggers automatically when the psychic touches another psychic, or she can concentrate and use it to sense other psychics in her line of sight. Roll Perception and +Awareness (diff 6). With more than 3 successes, the psychic also has a sense of the strength of the psychic and the nature of his powers. This does not detect mages with the Mind Sphere or other supernatural creatures who possess mental powers.

Telepathy 2

Roll Intelligence+ and Empathy
Successes scored on Telepathy generally determine the duration and accuracy. Wtih one success, a psychic might grab a few words or impressions that relate in some way to an interesting topic. With three successes, the character can easily read a good several turns of useful information, and at five or more successes, the character could cast about for specific thoughts or memories. The difficulty typically equals the subject's Willpower, and Mind Shields offer defense, as one might expect. A victim can generally spend a point of Willpower to resist a telepathic compulsion.


1 - At this level the telepath can feel basic emotions and sense the current mood of the target. The telepath may be able to send a simple impulse or rudimentary thought to the target. A target could be induced to twitch or make a simple or habitual gesture.


2 - The character can now read the surface thoughts of people, generally what they're thinking about at the moment. The telepath can project a single word or simple idea to a person or cause the subject to make one short motion.

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